Laura Jakli, Béla Greskovits, and Jason Wittenberg. 2025. "Asymmetric Mass Mobilization and the Vincibility of Democracy in Hungary." Comparative Political Studies,
Laura Jakli. 2024. "East-Central Europe: The Young and the Far-Right." Journal of Democracy, 35(2): 65-79.
Laura Jakli. 2023. “Radical American Partisanship: Mapping Violent Hostility, Its Causes, and the Consequences for Democracy.“ (book review). Public Opinion Quarterly, 87(1): 235-238.
Katerina Linos, Melissa Carlson, Laura Jakli, Nadia Dalma, Isabelle Cohen, Afroditi Veloudaki, and Stavros Nikiforos Spyrellis. 2022. “How Do Disadvantaged Groups Seek Information about Public Services? A Randomized Controlled Trial of Communication Technologies.” Public Administration Review, 82(4): 708-720.
Katerina Linos, Laura Jakli, and Melissa Carlson. 2021. "Fundraising for Stigmatized Groups: A Text Message Donation Experiment." American Political Science Review, 115(1): 14-30.
Laura Jakli and Matthew Stenberg. 2021. “Everyday Illiberalism: How Hungarian Subnational Politics Propel Single-Party Dominance.” Governance, 34(2): 315-334.
Melissa Carlson, Laura Jakli, and Katerina Linos. 2018. “Rumors and Refugees: How Government-Created Information Vacuums Undermine Effective Crisis Management.” International Studies Quarterly, 62(3): 671-685.
Winner of APSA’s 2019 European Politics & Society Best Article Award for the best article dealing with European Politics & Society published in 2018
Laura Jakli, Steven M. Fish, and Jason Wittenberg. 2018. “A Decade of Democratic Decline and Stagnation.” in Christian Haerpfer, Patrick Bernhagen, Ronald Inglehart, and Christian Welzel, Democratization (2nd edition). Oxford University Press, 268-284.
Melissa Carlson, Laura Jakli, and Katerina Linos. 2017. “Refugees Misdirected: How Information, Misinformation and Rumors Shape Refugees’ Access to Fundamental Rights.” Virginia Journal of International Law, 57(3): 539-574.
Laura Jakli, Jonas Meckling, and J. Gunnar Trumbull. "Fit for 55: Europe at a Climate Crossroads?" Harvard Business School Case 724-036, March 2024.
Kofi Annan Commission on Elections and Democracy in the Digital Age. 2020. "Protecting Electoral Integrity in the Digital Age." (find the report here).
D-Lab Berkeley in collaboration with the Anti-Defamation League. 2018. "Scalable Detection of Online Hate Speech: Identifying contemporary online hate speech using machine learning algorithms." (find the project brief here).
"Are Hungarian Churches Confronting their Communist Past?" (with Jason Wittenberg). 2016. Review of Háló 2. Dokumentumok és tanulmányok a Magyarországi Evangélikus Egyház és az állambiztonság kapcsolatáról, 1945-1990. Káldy Zoltán and Ottlyk Erno. Budapest: Luther Kiadó, 2014. Principium Journal, 1(1): 28-30.
Andrew Bertoli, Laura Jakli, and Henry Pascoe. "Analyzing the Impact of Events Through Surveys: Formalizing Biases and Introducing the Dual Randomized Survey Design" (R&R at Political Science Research and Methods)
Andrew Bertoli, Laura Jakli, and George Yin. "How Do Nationalist Antagonisms Affect Trade? Evidence from a Large Natural Experiment" (R&R at Review of International Political Economy)
Laura Jakli. "Political Apathy as Autocratization Strategy: Evidence from Hungary"
Laura Jakli. "Contingent Extremism: How Perceptions of Party Popularity Activate Far Right Support"
Laura Jakli and Paul Gill. "Measuring Polarization, Moderation, and Destigmatization in Social Media Discourse"
Laura Jakli. "Far Right Campaign Strategies in Online Political Ads"
Laura Jakli, Matthew Stenberg, Sivaram Cheruvu, and Jay Krehbiel. "Does Fake News Efficacy Shape Electoral Engagement? Evidence from Hungary"
Deutsche Welle's Inside Europe [podcast interview]. May 2, 2024.
“Far-right groups are growing in Europe and the US—from consumer decision-making to boycotts, polarisation poses corporate risks.” The Economic Times. August 31, 2023.
“Online Extremism and Political Advertising: A Visual Interview.” U.C. Berkeley Social Science Matrix. January 19, 2022.
Katerina Linos, Laura Jakli, and Melissa Carlson. “To get people the help they need from the government, postcards may be the answer.” The Conversation. December 20, 2021.
Katerina Linos, Laura Jakli, and Melissa Carlson. "What happens to fundraising when the neediest are also the most stigmatized." APSR Authors Blog. March 15, 2021.
Katerina Linos, Laura Jakli, and Melissa Carlson. “To maximize donations, emphasize needs, not rights.” OpenGlobalRights. January 28, 2021.
Kunumi Lab [podcast interview]. “Digital Echo Chambers.” September 18, 2020.
KQED/NPR. “How Social Media Echo Chambers Drown Out the Voices in the Middle.” November 6, 2018.
Laura Jakli and Paul Gill. “Follow the Echo Chamber: Measuring Political Attitude Change and Media Effects on Twitter.” EU VOX-Pol. October 10, 2018.
Laura Jakli, Melissa Carlson, and Katerina Linos. “Anti-immigrant forces won a victory at the E.U. This is how immigrants will respond.” Washington Post (Monkey Cage). August 14, 2018.
Katerina Linos, Laura Jakli, and Melissa Carlson. “Hungary and Slovakia challenged Europe’s refugee scheme. They just lost badly.” Washington Post (Monkey Cage). September 8, 2017.
VICE News. “The Awkward Links Between a Trump Aide and Hungarian Nazis.” April 6, 2017.